Outback Rock VBS  1-minute preview

*scroll below on this page regarding ways to submit the registration

VBS Registration for grades K-6 is here, but you'll need to print it and fill it out due to technical issues on this website.  Please register asap. You may then scan if you can, and email it to info@christianassemblychurchwv.com, OR take a pic and send to Alan's cell phone @ 304-669-6558.  Another way would be to follow the directions
at the bottom of the registration page.  Thank you and we really look for ward to sharing God's love with your children.

SUNDAY SERVICES are online on Facebook LIVE!
Type Nutter Fort Christian Assembly in the search bar.
Afterwards, you will be able to access the Services
for at least a month on this website!
316 Buckhannon Pike
Nutter Fort, WV 16301
304-622-5595       info@christianassemblychurchwv.com

UNDER CONSTRUCTION - Our previous builder closed their services and another took over, and we are working with them to build a new website. Please check back soon.  We are affiliated with the Northwest District of The International Fellowship of Christian Assemblies.  Join us in our discovery of The Amazing God, who wants to become personally involved in each of our lives, including yours.  We hope you feel right at home as we worship together.

Join us for an unforgettable experience